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Be Thankful on Your Spiritual Journey

by bonnernaz

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, here are a couple of things I’d like to include to help us think more thankfully… The song by Henry Smith is a good place to start: “Give thanks with a grateful heart; give thanks to the Holy One; give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son. Give thanks with a grateful […]

Luke 18 – Never quit praying

by bonnernaz

Scripture & Thought Luke 18:1 (MSG) “Pray consistently and never quit.” As young person and a new Christian, I remember someone quoting Paul from his first letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, chapter 5, verse 17: “Pray without ceasing.” I had no idea what that meant, but it seemed to me to be a strange instruction. How […]

Are We Paying Attention to the Wrong Thing?

by Kerry Mueller

We are almost at Christmas! Just a few days away. I heard that old song again today; “Away In A Manger” by John Thomas McFarland. I especially like that last verse that says, “Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay close by me forever, and love me, I pray; bless all the […]

How Do You Deal With Your Anxieties?

by Kerry Mueller

I trust that as we move through this Lenten season, that you are taking advantage of opportunities to draw closer to God through personal prayer, study and meditation. Practicing spiritual disciplines can also be useful tools in drawing us closer to God and His Spirit as well. I encourage all of us to be proactive […]

Psalm 150 – Be zealous about praising God

by Kerry Mueller

Scripture & Thought Psalm 150: 1, 2, 6 (NLT) Praise the Lord! Praise God in his heavenly dwelling; Praise Him in His mighty heaven! Praise Him for His mighty works; Praise His unequaled greatness!… Let everything that lives sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord! William Dyrness in his book, Themes of Old Testament […]

He Has Come!

by Kerry Mueller

He Has Come!  Digger of oceans, polisher of stars. Hanger of planets and Healer of scars. Sparrows’ Mortician and Passover Lamb, Feeder of ravens; Condemner of sham. Cana Wine-Maker; Creator of light, The Author who gives glad songs in the night. Lover of children, Dispeller of dark. Designer of blooms and soft willow bark. The […]