One thing that makes every human being who is alive on this earth equal to one another is the set time that we have to spend on this planet. Our earthly life clock is always ticking away and before we know it a lifetime will have passed us by.
It is for this reason that I always try my best to remember the shortness of time that I have so that I may be purposeful with my actions in bettering my life and the lives of those of whom I am fortunate enough to be a part. When we are conscious to the brevity of our time we will do our best to be a blessing, to be uplifting, to be encouraging, to be reassuring of others letting them know how special they are to us and how much we appreciate them being in our life.
Be encouraged to think about your internal clock. What are you doing with the time that you have left? Are you spending it in forgiveness? Are you being a blessing at every opportunity? Are you making the Lord proud with how your days are being spent?
All of these questions are necessary so that we may evaluate how we are spending our time. When we do become introspective I believe we will reevaluate what is most important to us. We will recognize and realize that this life is not worth being spent in selfishness.
Nobody will become better when we only want for ourselves, but when we prefer others even over ourselves both of us become better because we were fortunate enough to bless someone else and receive a blessing for our openheartedness.
Just as God is gracious and merciful to us and has given us more than we deserve, let us also impart a blessing into someone else’s life and share from our bounty showing the love of God through our simple life. Always remember to live legacy minded and use every bit of time that you have left on this earth bettering your own life and doing your best to better the lives of those around you. You will be proud when the Lord smiles upon you and says “Well done thou good and faithful servant.”
To go along with these thoughts I’d like to share something I read from Joseph Mazzella about “clocks.”
“I have often wondered why we still have so many old fashioned face clocks and watches being made these days. Digital clocks are both more accurate and easier to read. They can instantly give you the time to the exact second and you don’t have to estimate by glancing at the three moving hands on a face clock. Still, in the stores the face clocks far outnumber their digital counterparts. People also spend more to have their old fashioned clocks and watches repaired than they would to buy a new one. They even seek out old mantle clocks, grandfather clocks, and pocket watches at antique shops.
“Perhaps it is because these old style time pieces give all of us a better sense of what time is. It is reassuring for me to look up at my old face clock on the wall and see the second hand gently ticking away. It reminds me that each and every second of this life is a precious choice and that I should do my best to live them all in love, joy, and oneness with God. I even have a clock that is broken that I keep on my kitchen wall. It gives me the right time exactly twice each day.
“It also reminds me, however, that I don’t have forever in this life and that I should share that love, joy, and oneness with God with everyone everywhere every second that I can. There is one other time piece that I would like to have too: an old windup alarm clock. It would be a wonderful reminder that all the time that I have in this life is in my own hands. It would also always let me know that one day the alarm will sound, and I will awaken from this life and move on to the greater life that awaits us all.
“Before your own alarm sounds then make sure that you truly live every minute of your life. Before your own clock stops make sure that you choose and share love, joy, and oneness with God every second that you can. Your time is in your hands. Make the most of it.”