There are many moments in life where we are tempted to worry about and fear the uncertainty’s of life.  We are always bombarded with thoughts of “what if” coming from a negative point of view and if we continue asking about what is uncertain in our lives, we will be tempted to worry, fear and complain about something that hasn’t come our way yet.  Instead of using our energy in a positive manner thinking good, overcoming and affirming thoughts, we will be using our energy to bring down our spirits by worrying about something that has not come to pass.

I have learned that faith and fear cannot occupy the same space.  I will either strengthen the one or weaken the other. I must back up my faith confession with my positive and reaffirming actions showing the Lord and the enemy that my eyes of faith are focused on the Great I Am who has every answer to my every dilemma.

When we put our eyes of faith on the Lord we will not have room to focus on any negativity that may be trying to infiltrate our being.  We will know that God is able to deliver us and meet our needs exactly when we need them met.  The Lord loves to show Himself strong on behalf of those who trust in His power.

When we say yes to the Lord, our yes brings everything with Him.  We receive forgiveness, mercy, grace, peace, joy, encouragement and love that surpass all understanding.  God wipes our slate clean and makes us a brand-new creation.  He forgets our past and establishes a new future filled with hope.

Why would anyone want the alternative to peace?  Why would anyone choose worry over calm? God is enough for me.  He is my portion of peace.  He is my recipe for perfection. Nothing else compares to the Majesty and Glory of the Lord whom I call my Friend, my Redeemer, my Savior, my King and my God!

Let me share a thought by a good writer, Joseph Mazzella to help me illustrate what I’m saying.

“The home I grew up in as a boy had a river running along one side of it and a set of railroad tracks running along the other. Being just 10 feet away from the tracks sometimes scared my Mom. Our home consisted of two, old, shanty cars painted green and several rooms we built on ourselves. She knew that it would be crushed if any one of those 20 feet tall, railroad cars loaded with coal were to tip over on it. I never shared her fear, however, no matter how much those cars would sway as the trains went by. In my child’s mind the trains and tracks where a source of endless adventure and home was a place of love, joy, and safety that I could always return to.

“In fact, I would often spend part of my summer mornings walking down the railroad tracks and back home again. It was a challenge to see how long I could walk on one of the narrow, steel beams without stumbling off. It took me a while before I discovered that the trick was to never look at your feet. As long as I kept my eyes on that old home of ours I never fell off. I would walk for hundreds of yards with thoughts of my Mom’s tender smile, my Grandma’s big hugs, a loving greeting from my dog, Duke and a loaf of warm, Italian bread for dinner running through my mind. They always kept my heart and feet going right where they needed to go.

“Life here on Earth can also be as tricky as walking on a narrow, steel beam at times. You may even feel in moments like a huge railroad car is about to fall on you. Don’t give up, though. It is times like these that you have to keep your eyes on home. Our lives here may be our house for a while, but they are not our home. As much as we may learn about love and grow in goodness here our true home still awaits us. It is there where the smiles will never cease, the hugs will go on forever, and the love will never end. It is there where we will feast in God’s warmth, love, and light. Enjoy your trip through life then, but always keep your eyes on home!”

I trust this has inspired and encouraged your heart to always keep focused on the Lord so that His peace will never leave your mind and heart.

Also, as we kick off this New Year, I would like to share this piece I found…from an unknown author:


“Digger of oceans, polisher of stars Hanger of planets and Healer of scars.
Sparrows’ Mortician and Passover Lamb, Feeder of ravens; Condemner of sham.
Cana Wine-Maker; Creator of light. The Author who gives glad songs in the night.
Lover of children, Dispeller of dark. Desiger of blooms and soft willow bark.
The leaves’ Architect; Songwriter for birds, Clean Rose of Sharon and Keeper of herds.
Thunder-Exploder on cloud-shrouded peaks, Painter of sunsets and babies’ pink cheeks.
Maker of heroes, those out of the wild, Dry desert Gardner and Bethlehem’s Child.
Weaver of rainbows and bottler of tears, Tinter of orchards and tulips’ bright spears.
Galilee-Walker and calmer of waves, Full Seed of David; Conqueror of Graves.
Sower of springtimes and Breather of wind, Calvary’s love-gift to all who have sinned.
Lazarus-Raiser and Magdalene’s friend, Captian and Guide at the river’s last bend.
Gadarene’s Escort back home from the tombs builder of mansions with Heavenly rooms.
Abraham’s Fruit Tree; Gethsemane’s Door; Christ, all-sufficient…and more, so much more.
Heaven’s attraction…the main Citizen. The church’s Bridegroom, the endless Amen!”

Jesus, you are all this and more!